* The command class encapsulates a command stored in a plugin's commandContainer.
class Command {
* Handler to be executed when a command is recognized.
* @callback Command#commandHandler
* @param {String[]} args additional parameters for the command
* @param {Message} message the message that was received
* @typedef {Object} Command~options
* @property {('direct'|'guild')} options.requiredChannelType requires the message to be sent either
* as a direct message or in a guild channel
* @property {Boolean} options.handleBotMsgs true if the handler should trigger on bot messages
* @property {Boolean} options.elevated true if the command requires adminstrator privileges
constructor() {
* The identifier that triggers the command.
* @type {String}
this.identifier = null
* The handler to be executed when the command is recognized.
* @type {Command#commandHandler}
this.handler = null
* Additional options controlling when the handler is triggered.
* @type {Command#options}
this.options = {
requiredChannelType: null,
handleBotMsgs: false,
elevated: false
* Set the identifier for this command.
* The handler function will be triggered by a message beginning with
* the command prefix and the identifier: `${prefix}${identifier}`
* @param {String} identifier
setIdentifier(identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier
return this
* Set the handler to be invoked when the command is recognized.
* @param {Command#commandHandler} handler the handler to be invoked
setHandler(handler) {
this.handler = handler
return this
* Set additional options controlling when the handler is triggered.
* @param {Command#options} options options to filter invocation of the handler
setOptions(options) {
if(!options) return
if(options.requiredChannelType != null) {
this.options.requiredChannelType = options.requiredChannelType
if(options.handleBotMsgs != null) {
this.options.handleBotMsgs = options.handleBotMsgs
if(options.elevated != null) {
this.options.elevated = options.elevated
return this
module.exports = Command